As of August 2023:
- 71 refereed publications (1941 citations), including 13 authored by myself or my team (235 citations).
- 37 SPIE proceedings (212 citations), including 6 authored by myself (44 citations).
You can also find my publications on NASA ADS, ORCiD, Publons, Google Scholar.
In bold: publications by my students and postdocs
Refereed publications
[71] Carter, Hinkley, Kammerer, Skemer, Biller, Leisenring, Millar-Blanchaer, Petrus, Stone, Ward-Duong, Wang, Girard, Hines, Perrin, Pueyo, Balmer, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Danielski, Kennedy, Matthews, Miles, Patapis, Ray, Rickman, Sallum, Stapelfeldt, Whiteford, Zhou, Absil, Boccaletti, Booth, Bowler, Chen, Currie, Fortney, Grady, Greebaum, Henning, Hoch, Janson, Kalas, Kenworthy, Kervella, Kraus, Lagage, Liu, Macintosh, Marino, Marley, Marois, Matthews, Mawet, McElwain, Metchev, Meyer, Molliere, Moran, Morley, Mukherjee, Pantin, Quirrenbach, Rebollido, Ren, Schneider, Vasist, Worthen, Wyatt, Briesemeister, Bryan, Calissendorff, Cantalloube, Cugno, De Furio, Dupuy, Factor, Faherty, Fitzgerald, Franson, Gonzales, Hood, Howe, Kuzuhara, Lagrange, Lawson, Lazzoni, Lew, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Martinez, Mazoyer, Palma-Bifani, Quanz, Redai, Samland, Schlieder, Tamura, Tan, Uyama, Vigan, Vos, Wagner, Wolff, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, & Zhang, 2023.
The Astrophysical Journal, 951, L20 "The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems I: High-contrast Imaging of the Exoplanet HIP 65426 b from 2 to 16 μm"
[70] Xie, Ren, Dong, Choquet, Vigan, Gonzalez, Wagner, Fang, & Ubeira-Gabellini, 2023.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, L1 "Dynamical detection of a companion driving a spiral arm in a protoplanetary disk"
[69] Marshall, Milli, Choquet, del Burgo, Kennedy, Kemper, Wyatt, Kral, & Soummer, 2023.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 5940 "Stirred but not shaken: a multiwavelength view of HD 16743's debris disc"
[68] Ren, Rebollido, Choquet, Zhou, Perrin, Schneider, Milli, Wolff, Chen, Debes, Hagan, Hines, Millar-Blanchaer, Pueyo, Roberge, Serabyn, & Soummer, 2023.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A114 "Debris disk color with the Hubble Space Telescope"
[67] Engler, Milli, Gratton, Ulmer-Moll, Vigan, Lagrange, Kiefer, Rubini, Grandjean, Schmid, Messina, Squicciarini, Olofsson, Thébault, van Holstein, Janson, Ménard, Marshall, Chauvin, Lendl, Bhowmik, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, del Burgo, Choquet, Desidera, Feldt, Fusco, Girard, Gisler, Hagelberg, Langlois, Maire, Mesa, Meyer, Rabou, Rodet, Schmidt, & Zurlo, 2023.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A1 "The high-albedo, low polarization disk around HD 114082 that harbors a Jupiter-sized transiting planet. Constraints from VLT/SPHERE completed with TESS, Gaia, and radial velocities"
[66] Miles, Biller, Patapis, Worthen, Rickman, Hoch, Skemer, Perrin, Whiteford, Chen, Sargent, Mukherjee, Morley, Moran, Bonnefoy, Petrus, Carter, Choquet, Hinkley, Ward-Duong, Leisenring, Millar-Blanchaer, Pueyo, Ray, Sallum, Stapelfeldt, Stone, Wang, Absil, Balmer, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Booth, Bowler, Chauvin, Christiaens, Currie, Danielski, Fortney, Girard, Grady, Greenbaum, Henning, Hines, Janson, Kalas, Kammerer, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kervella, Lagage, Lew, Liu, Macintosh, Marino, Marley, Marois, Matthews, Matthews, Mawet, McElwain, Metchev, Meyer, Molliere, Pantin, Quirrenbach, Rebollido, Ren, Schneider, Vasist, Wyatt, Zhou, Briesemeister, Bryan, Calissendorff, Cantalloube, Cugno, De Furio, Dupuy, Factor, Faherty, Fitzgerald, Franson, Gonzales, Hood, Howe, Kraus, Kuzuhara, Lagrange, Lawson, Lazzoni, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Martinez, Mazoyer, Quanz, Redai, Samland, Schlieder, Tamura, Tan, Uyama, Vigan, Vos, Wagner, Wolff, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, & Zhang, 2023.
The Astrophysical Journal, 946, L6 "The JWST Early-release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems II: A 1 to 20 μm Spectrum of the Planetary-mass Companion VHS 1256-1257 b"
[65] Stark, Ren, MacGregor, Howard, Hurt, Weinberger, Schneider, & Choquet, 2023.
The Astrophysical Journal, 945, 131 "The Apparent Absence of Forward Scattering in the HD 53143 Debris Disk"
[64] Hinkley, Lacour, Marleau, Lagrange, Wang, Kammerer, Cumming, Nowak, Rodet, Stolker, Balmer, Ray, Bonnefoy, Mollière, Lazzoni, Kennedy, Mordasini, Abuter, Aigrain, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Babusiaux, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnet, Bourdarot, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Chomez, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé du Foresto, Cridland, Delorme, Dembet, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Feuchtgruber, Galland, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Grandjean, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mang, Mérand, Meunier, Monnier, Mouillet, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Philipot, Pfuhl, Pourré, Pueyo, Rameau, Rickman, Rubini, Rustamkulov, Samland, Shangguan, Shimizu, Sing, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Yazici, Young, & Zicher, 2023.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 671, L5 "Direct discovery of the inner exoplanet in the HD 206893 system. Evidence for deuterium burning in a planetary-mass companion"
[63] Ren, Wallack, Hurt, Mawet, Carter, Echeverri, Llop-Sayson, Meshkat, Oppenheimer, Aguilar, Cady, Choquet, Ruane, Vasisht, & Ygouf, 2023.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A162 "Planet search with the Keck/NIRC2 vortex coronagraph in the M<SUB>s</SUB> band for Vega"
[62] El Morsy, Vigan, Lopez, Otten, Choquet, Madec, Costille, Sauvage, Dohlen, Muslimov, Pourcelot, Floriot, Benedetti, Blanchard, Balard, & Murray, 2022.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667, A171 "Validation of strategies for coupling exoplanet PSFs into single-mode fibres for high-dispersion coronagraphy"
[61] Dahlqvist, Milli, Absil, Cantalloube, Matra, Choquet, del Burgo, Marshall, Wyatt, & Ertel, 2022.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, A33 "The SHARDDS survey: limits on planet occurrence rates based on point sources analysis via the Auto-RSM framework"
[60] Xie, Choquet, Vigan, Cantalloube, Benisty, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Desgrange, Garufi, Girard, Hagelberg, Janson, Kenworthy, Lagrange, Langlois, Menard, & Zurlo, 2022.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, A32 "Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS"
[59] Hinkley, Carter, Ray, Skemer, Biller, Choquet, Millar-Blanchaer, Sallum, Miles, Whiteford, Patapis, Perrin, Pueyo, Schneider, Stapelfeldt, Wang, Ward-Duong, Bowler, Boccaletti, Girard, Hines, Kalas, Kammerer, Kervella, Leisenring, Pantin, Zhou, Meyer, Liu, Bonnefoy, Currie, McElwain, Metchev, Wyatt, Absil, Adams, Barman, Baraffe, Bonavita, Booth, Bryan, Chauvin, Chen, Danielski, De Furio, Factor, Fitzgerald, Fortney, Grady, Greenbaum, Henning, Hoch, Janson, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kraus, Kuzuhara, Lagage, Lagrange, Launhardt, Lazzoni, Lloyd, Marino, Marley, Martinez, Marois, Matthews, Matthews, Mawet, Mazoyer, Phillips, Petrus, Quanz, Quirrenbach, Rameau, Rebollido, Rickman, Samland, Sargent, Schlieder, Sivaramakrishnan, Stone, Tamura, Tremblin, Uyama, Vasist, Vigan, Wagner, & Ygouf, 2022.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 134, 095003 "The JWST Early Release Science Program for the Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanetary Systems"
[58] MacGregor, Hurt, Stark, Howard, Weinberger, Ren, Schneider, Choquet, & Mawet, 2022.
The Astrophysical Journal, 933, L1 "ALMA Images the Eccentric HD 53143 Debris Disk"
[57] Huang, Ginski, Benisty, Ren, Bohn, Choquet, Öberg, Ribas, Bae, Bergin, Birnstiel, Boehler, Facchini, Harsono, Hogerheijde, Long, Manara, Ménard, Pinilla, Pinte, Rab, Williams, & Zurlo, 2022.
The Astrophysical Journal, 930, 171 "Disk Evolution Study through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): A Panchromatic View of DO Tau's Complex Kilo-astronomical-unit Environment"
[56] Lacour, Wang, Rodet, Nowak, Shangguan, Beust, Lagrange, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Benisty, Berger, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bolzer, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Bourdarot, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, Dembet, Dexter, de Zeeuw, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Kammerer, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mérand, Mollière, Monnier, Mouillet, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Rickman, Pueyo, Rameau, Rousset, Rustamkulov, Samland, Shimizu, Sing, Stadler, Stolker, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Yazici, Young, & Gravity Collaboration, 2021.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 654, L2 "The mass of β Pictoris c from β Pictoris b orbital motion"
[55] Meshkat, Gao, Lee, Mawet, Choquet, Ygouf, Patel, Ruane, Wang, Wallack, Absil, & Beichman, 2021.
The Astrophysical Journal, 917, 62 "Characterization of HD 206893 B from Near- to Thermal-infrared"
[54] Houllé, Vigan, Carlotti, Choquet, Cantalloube, Phillips, Sauvage, Schwartz, Otten, Baraffe, Emsenhuber, & Mordasini, 2021.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 652, A67 "Direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ELT/HARMONI high-contrast module"
[53] Kammerer, Lacour, Stolker, Mollière, Sing, Nasedkin, Kervella, Wang, Ward-Duong, Nowak, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bolzer, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé du Foresto, Cridland, Dembet, Dexter, de Zeeuw, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Keppler, Kreidberg, Lagrange, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mérand, Monnier, Mouillet, Müller, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Pueyo, Rameau, Rodet, Rousset, Rustamkulov, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, & Yazici, 2021.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 652, A57 "GRAVITY K-band spectroscopy of HD 206893 B. Brown dwarf or exoplanet"
[52] Ren, Choquet, Perrin, Mawet, Chen, Milli, Debes, Rebollido, Stark, Hagan, Hines, Millar-Blanchaer, Pueyo, Roberge, Schneider, Serabyn, Soummer, & Wolff, 2021.
The Astrophysical Journal, 914, 95 "A Layered Debris Disk around M Star TWA 7 in Scattered Light"
[51] Pourcelot, Vigan, Dohlen, Rouzé, Sauvage, El Morsy, Lopez, N'Diaye, Caillat, Choquet, Otten, Abbinanti, Balard, Carbillet, Blanchard, Hulin, & Robert, 2021.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 649, A170 "Calibration of residual aberrations in exoplanet imagers with large numbers of degrees of freedom"
[50] Wang, Vigan, Lacour, Nowak, Stolker, De Rosa, Ginzburg, Gao, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Beuzit, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, de Zeeuw, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Facchini, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jiménez-Rosales, Jocou, Kammerer, Keppler, Kervella, Meyer, Kreidberg, Lagrange, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Ménard, Mérand, Mollière, Monnier, Mouillet, Müller, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Pueyo, Rameau, Rodet, Rodríguez-Coira, Rousset, Scheithauer, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, & Gravity Collaboration, 2021.
The Astronomical Journal, 161, 148 "Constraining the Nature of the PDS 70 Protoplanets with VLTI/GRAVITY"
[49] Otten, Vigan, Muslimov, N'Diaye, Choquet, Seemann, Dohlen, Houllé, Cristofari, Phillips, Charles, Baraffe, Beuzit, Costille, Dorn, El Morsy, Kasper, Lopez, Mordasini, Pourcelot, Reiners, & Sauvage, 2021.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 646, A150 "Direct characterization of young giant exoplanets at high spectral resolution by coupling SPHERE and CRIRES+"
[48] Wagner, Boehle, Pathak, Kasper, Arsenault, Jakob, Käufl, Leveratto, Maire, Pantin, Siebenmorgen, Zins, Absil, Ageorges, Apai, Carlotti, Choquet, Delacroix, Dohlen, Duhoux, Forsberg, Fuenteseca, Gutruf, Guyon, Huby, Kampf, Karlsson, Kervella, Kirchbauer, Klupar, Kolb, Mawet, N'Diaye, Orban de Xivry, Quanz, Reutlinger, Ruane, Riquelme, Soenke, Sterzik, Vigan, & de Zeeuw, 2021.
Nature Communications, 12, 922 "Imaging low-mass planets within the habitable zone of α Centauri"
[47] Leboulleux, Choquet, Huby, Singh, & Cantalloube, 2020.
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 52, 0209 "A socio-demographic study of the exoplanet direct imaging community"
[46] Uyama, Ren, Mawet, Ruane, Bond, Hashimoto, Liu, Muto, Ruffio, Wallack, Baranec, Bowler, Choquet, Chun, Delorme, Fogarty, Guyon, Jensen-Clem, Meshkat, Ngo, Wang, Wang, Wizinowich, Ygouf, & Zuckerman, 2020.
The Astronomical Journal, 160, 283 "Early High-contrast Imaging Results with Keck/NIRC2-PWFS: The SR 21 Disk"
[45] Nowak, Lacour, Lagrange, Rubini, Wang, Stolker, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Charnay, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, de Zeeuw, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Grandjean, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jiménez-Rosales, Jocou, Kammerer, Kervella, Keppler, Kreidberg, Kulikauskas, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Mérand, Maire, Mollière, Monnier, Mouillet, Müller, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paumard, Paladini, Perraut, Perrin, Pueyo, Pfuhl, Rameau, Rodet, Rodríguez-Coira, Rousset, Scheithauer, Shangguan, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, & Gravity Collaboration, 2020.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642, L2 "Direct confirmation of the radial-velocity planet β Pictoris c"
[44] Lagrange, Rubini, Nowak, Lacour, Grandjean, Boccaletti, Langlois, Delorme, Gratton, Wang, Flasseur, Galicher, Kral, Meunier, Beust, Babusiaux, Le Coroller, Thebault, Kervella, Zurlo, Maire, Wahhaj, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Benisty, Berger, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Cantalloube, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Clénet, Christiaens, Coudé Du Foresto, de Zeeuw, Desidera, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Galland, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Hagelberg, Haubois, Henning, Heissel, Hippler, Horrobin, Janson, Kammerer, Kenworthy, Keppler, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Mérand, Messina, Mollière, Monnier, Ott, Otten, Paumard, Paladini, Perraut, Perrin, Pueyo, Pfuhl, Rodet, Rodriguez-Coira, Rousset, Samland, Shangguan, Schmidt, Straub, Straubmeier, Stolker, Vigan, Vincent, Widmann, Woillez, & Gravity Collaboration, 2020.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642, A18 "Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data"
[43] Tanner, Plavchan, Bryden, Kennedy, Matrá, Cronin-Coltsmann, Lowrance, Henry, Riaz, Gizis, Riedel, & Choquet, 2020.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 132, 084401 "Herschel Observations of Disks around Late-type Stars"
[42] Ren, Dong, van Holstein, Ruffio, Calvin, Girard, Benisty, Boccaletti, Esposito, Choquet, Mawet, Pueyo, Stolker, Chiang, Boer, Debes, Garufi, Grady, Hines, Maire, Ménard, Millar-Blanchaer, Perrin, Poteet, & Schneider, 2020.
The Astrophysical Journal, 898, L38 "Dynamical Evidence of a Spiral Arm-driving Planet in the MWC 758 Protoplanetary Disk"
[41] Chen, Mazoyer, Poteet, Ren, Duchêne, Hom, Arriaga, Millar-Blanchaer, Arnold, Bailey, Bruzzone, Chilcote, Choquet, De Rosa, Draper, Esposito, Fitzgerald, Follette, Hibon, Hines, Kalas, Marchis, Matthews, Milli, Patience, Perrin, Pueyo, Rajan, Rantakyrö, Rodigas, Roudier, Schneider, Soummer, Stark, Wang, Ward-Duong, Weinberger, Wilner, & Wolff, 2020.
The Astrophysical Journal, 898, 55 "Multiband GPI Imaging of the HR 4796A Debris Disk"
[40] Wang, Ginzburg, Ren, Wallack, Gao, Mawet, Bond, Cetre, Wizinowich, De Rosa, Ruane, Liu, Absil, Alvarez, Baranec, Choquet, Chun, Defrère, Delorme, Duchêne, Forsberg, Ghez, Guyon, Hall, Huby, Jolivet, Jensen-Clem, Jovanovic, Karlsson, Lilley, Matthews, Ménard, Meshkat, Millar-Blanchaer, Ngo, Orban de Xivry, Pinte, Ragland, Serabyn, Catalán, Wang, Wetherell, Williams, Ygouf, & Zuckerman, 2020.
The Astronomical Journal, 159, 263 "Keck/NIRC2 L'-band Imaging of Jovian-mass Accreting Protoplanets around PDS 70"
[39] Ren, Pueyo, Chen, Choquet, Debes, Duchêne, Ménard, & Perrin, 2020.
The Astrophysical Journal, 892, 74 "Using Data Imputation for Signal Separation in High-contrast Imaging"
[38] Uyama, Muto, Mawet, Christiaens, Hashimoto, Kudo, Kuzuhara, Ruane, Beichman, Absil, Akiyama, Bae, Bottom, Choquet, Currie, Dong, Follette, Fukagawa, Guidi, Huby, Kwon, Mayama, Meshkat, Reggiani, Ricci, Serabyn, Tamura, Testi, Wallack, Williams, & Zhu, 2020.
The Astronomical Journal, 159, 118 "Near-infrared Imaging of a Spiral in the CQ Tau Disk"
[37] Beichman, Ygouf, Llop Sayson, Mawet, Yung, Choquet, Kervella, Boccaletti, Belikov, Lissauer, Quarles, Lagage, Dicken, Hu, Mennesson, Ressler, Serabyn, Krist, Bendek, Leisenring, & Pueyo, 2020.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 132, 015002 "Searching for Planets Orbiting α Cen A with the James Webb Space Telescope"
[36] Pawellek, Moór, Milli, Kóspál, Olofsson, Ábrahám, Keppler, Kral, Pohl, Augereau, Boccaletti, Chauvin, Choquet, Engler, Henning, Langlois, Lee, Ménard, Thébault, & Zurlo, 2019.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488, 3507 "A multiwavelength study of the debris disc around 49 Cet"
[35] Ren, Choquet, Perrin, Duchêne, Debes, Pueyo, Rice, Chen, Schneider, Esposito, Poteet, Wang, Ammons, Ansdell, Arriaga, Bailey, Barman, Sebastián Bruzzone, Bulger, Chilcote, Cotten, De Rosa, Doyon, Fitzgerald, Follette, Goodsell, Gerard, Graham, Greenbaum, Hagan, Hibon, Hines, Hung, Ingraham, Kalas, Konopacky, Larkin, Macintosh, Maire, Marchis, Marois, Mazoyer, Ménard, Metchev, Millar-Blanchaer, Mittal, Moerchen, Nielsen, N'Diaye, Oppenheimer, Palmer, Patience, Pinte, Poyneer, Rajan, Rameau, Rantakyrö, Ruffio, Ryan, Savransky, Schneider, Sivaramakrishnan, Song, Soummer, Stark, Thomas, Vigan, Wallace, Ward-Duong, Wiktorowicz, Wolff, Ygouf, & Norman, 2019.
The Astrophysical Journal, 882, 64 "An Exo-Kuiper Belt with an Extended Halo around HD 191089 in Scattered Light"
[34] Pinte, van der Plas, Ménard, Price, Christiaens, Hill, Mentiplay, Ginski, Choquet, Boehler, Duchêne, Perez, & Casassus, 2019.
Nature Astronomy, 3, 1109 "Kinematic detection of a planet carving a gap in a protoplanetary disk"
[33] Perrot, Thebault, Lagrange, Boccaletti, Vigan, Desidera, Augereau, Bonnefoy, Choquet, Kral, Loh, Maire, Ménard, Messina, Olofsson, Gratton, Biller, Brandner, Buenzli, Chauvin, Cheetham, Daemgen, Delorme, Feldt, Lagadec, Langlois, Lannier, Mesa, Mouillet, Peretti, Janin-Potiron, Salter, Sissa, Roux, Llored, Buey, Pavlov, Weber, & Petit, 2019.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 626, A95 "First resolved observations of a highly asymmetric debris disc around HD 160305 with VLT/SPHERE"
[32] Milli, Engler, Schmid, Olofsson, Ménard, Kral, Boccaletti, Thébault, Choquet, Mouillet, Lagrange, Augereau, Pinte, Chauvin, Dominik, Perrot, Zurlo, Henning, Beuzit, Avenhaus, Bazzon, Moulin, Llored, Moeller-Nilsson, Roelfsema, & Pragt, 2019.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 626, A54 "Optical polarised phase function of the HR 4796A dust ring"
[31] Lacour, Dembet, Abuter, Fédou, Perrin, Choquet, Pfuhl, Eisenhauer, Woillez, Cassaing, Wieprecht, Ott, Wiezorrek, Tristram, Wolff, Ramírez, Haubois, Perraut, Straubmeier, Brandner, & Amorim, 2019.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 624, A99 "The GRAVITY fringe tracker"
[30] Ruane, Ngo, Mawet, Absil, Choquet, Cook, Gomez Gonzalez, Huby, Matthews, Meshkat, Reggiani, Serabyn, Wallack, & Xuan, 2019.
The Astronomical Journal, 157, 118 "Reference Star Differential Imaging of Close-in Companions and Circumstellar Disks with the NIRC2 Vortex Coronagraph at the W. M. Keck Observatory"
[29] Mawet, Hirsch, Lee, Ruffio, Bottom, Fulton, Absil, Beichman, Bowler, Bryan, Choquet, Ciardi, Christiaens, Defrère, Gomez Gonzalez, Howard, Huby, Isaacson, Jensen-Clem, Kosiarek, Marcy, Meshkat, Petigura, Reggiani, Ruane, Serabyn, Sinukoff, Wang, Weiss, & Ygouf, 2019.
The Astronomical Journal, 157, 33 "Deep Exploration of ɛ Eridani with Keck Ms-band Vortex Coronagraphy and Radial Velocities: Mass and Orbital Parameters of the Giant Exoplanet"
[28] Marshall, Milli, Choquet, del Burgo, Kennedy, Matrà, Ertel, & Boccaletti, 2018.
The Astrophysical Journal, 869, 10 "Comprehensive Analysis of HD 105, A Young Solar System Analog"
[27] Xuan, Mawet, Ngo, Ruane, Bailey, Choquet, Absil, Alvarez, Bryan, Cook, Femenía Castellá, Gomez Gonzalez, Huby, Knutson, Matthews, Ragland, Serabyn, & Zawol, 2018.
The Astronomical Journal, 156, 156 "Characterizing the Performance of the NIRC2 Vortex Coronagraph at W. M. Keck Observatory"
[26] Gravity Collaboration, Sanchez-Bermudez, Weigelt, Bestenlehner, Kervella, Brandner, Henning, Müller, Perrin, Pott, Schöller, van Boekel, Abuter, Accardo, Amorim, Anugu, Ávila, Benisty, Berger, Blind, Bonnet, Bourget, Brast, Buron, Cantalloube, Caratti O Garatti, Cassaing, Chapron, Choquet, Clénet, Collin, Coudé Du Foresto, de Wit, de Zeeuw, Deen, Delplancke-Ströbele, Dembet, Derie, Dexter, Duvert, Ebert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Esselborn, Fédou, Garcia, Garcia Dabo, Garcia Lopez, Gao, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Haubois, Haug, Haussmann, Hippler, Horrobin, Huber, Hubert, Hubin, Hummel, Jakob, Jochum, Jocou, Karl, Kaufer, Kellner, Kendrew, Kern, Kiekebusch, Klein, Kolb, Kulas, Lacour, Lapeyrère, Lazareff, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lenzen, Lévêque, Lippa, Magnard, Mehrgan, Mellein, Mérand, Moreno-Ventas, Moulin, Müller, Müller, Neumann, Oberti, Ott, Pallanca, Panduro, Pasquini, Paumard, Percheron, Perraut, Petrucci, Pflüger, Pfuhl, Duc, Plewa, Popovic, Rabien, Ramirez, Ramos, Rau, Riquelme, Rodríguez-Coira, Rohloff, Rosales, Rousset, Scheithauer, Schuhler, Spyromilio, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Suarez, Tristram, Ventura, Vincent, Waisberg, Wank, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiest, Wiezorrek, Wittkowski, Woillez, Wolff, Yazici, Ziegler, & Zins, 2018.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 618, A125 "GRAVITY chromatic imaging of η Car's core. Milliarcsecond resolution imaging of the wind-wind collision zone (Brγ, He I)"
[25] Guidi, Ruane, Williams, Mawet, Testi, Zurlo, Absil, Bottom, Choquet, Christiaens, Femenía Castellá, Huby, Isella, Kastner, Meshkat, Reggiani, Riggs, Serabyn, & Wallack, 2018.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479, 1505 "High-contrast imaging of HD 163296 with the Keck/NIRC2 L'-band vortex coronograph"
[24] Esposito, Duchêne, Kalas, Rice, Choquet, Ren, Perrin, Chen, Arriaga, Chiang, Nielsen, Graham, Wang, De Rosa, Follette, Ammons, Ansdell, Bailey, Barman, Sebastián Bruzzone, Bulger, Chilcote, Cotten, Doyon, Fitzgerald, Goodsell, Greenbaum, Hibon, Hung, Ingraham, Konopacky, Larkin, Macintosh, Maire, Marchis, Marois, Mazoyer, Metchev, Millar-Blanchaer, Oppenheimer, Palmer, Patience, Poyneer, Pueyo, Rajan, Rameau, Rantakyrö, Ryan, Savransky, Schneider, Sivaramakrishnan, Song, Soummer, Thomas, Wallace, Ward-Duong, Wiktorowicz, & Wolff, 2018.
The Astronomical Journal, 156, 47 "Direct Imaging of the HD 35841 Debris Disk: A Polarized Dust Ring from Gemini Planet Imager and an Outer Halo from HST/STIS"
[23] Ren, Dong, Esposito, Pueyo, Debes, Poteet, Choquet, Benisty, Chiang, Grady, Hines, Schneider, & Soummer, 2018.
The Astrophysical Journal, 857, L9 "A Decade of MWC 758 Disk Images: Where Are the Spiral-arm-driving Planets?"
[22] Hagan, Choquet, Soummer, & Vigan, 2018.
The Astronomical Journal, 155, 179 "ALICE Data Release: A Revaluation of HST-NICMOS Coronagraphic Images"
[21] Reggiani, Christiaens, Absil, Mawet, Huby, Choquet, Gomez Gonzalez, Ruane, Femenia, Serabyn, Matthews, Barraza, Carlomagno, Defrère, Delacroix, Habraken, Jolivet, Karlsson, Orban de Xivry, Piron, Surdej, Vargas Catalan, & Wertz, 2018.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 611, A74 "Discovery of a point-like source and a third spiral arm in the transition disk around the Herbig Ae star MWC 758"
[20] Choquet, Bryden, Perrin, Soummer, Augereau, Chen, Debes, Gofas-Salas, Hagan, Hines, Mawet, Morales, Pueyo, Rajan, Ren, Schneider, Stark, & Wolff, 2018.
The Astrophysical Journal, 854, 53 "HD 104860 and HD 192758: Two Debris Disks Newly Imaged in Scattered Light with the Hubble Space Telescope"
[19] Ruane, Mawet, Kastner, Meshkat, Bottom, Femenía Castellá, Absil, Gomez Gonzalez, Huby, Zhu, Jensen-Clem, Choquet, & Serabyn, 2017.
The Astronomical Journal, 154, 73 "Deep Imaging Search for Planets Forming in the TW Hya Protoplanetary Disk with the Keck/NIRC2 Vortex Coronagraph"
[18] Gravity Collaboration, Petrucci, Waisberg, Le Bouquin, Dexter, Dubus, Perraut, Kervella, Abuter, Amorim, Anugu, Berger, Blind, Bonnet, Brandner, Buron, Choquet, Clénet, de Wit, Deen, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Finger, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Gonte, Haubois, Haug, Haussmann, Henning, Hippler, Horrobin, Hubert, Jochum, Jocou, Kok, Kolb, Kulas, Lacour, Lazareff, Lèna, Lippa, Mérand, Müller, Ott, Panduro, Paumard, Perrin, Pfuhl, Ramos, Rau, Rohloff, Rousset, Sanchez-Bermudez, Scheithauer, Schöller, Straubmeier, Sturm, Vincent, Wank, Wieprecht, Wiest, Wiezorrek, Wittkowski, Woillez, Yazici, & Zins, 2017.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 602, L11 "Accretion-ejection morphology of the microquasar SS 433 resolved at sub-au scale"
[17] Gravity Collaboration, Abuter, Accardo, Amorim, Anugu, Ávila, Azouaoui, Benisty, Berger, Blind, Bonnet, Bourget, Brandner, Brast, Buron, Burtscher, Cassaing, Chapron, Choquet, Clénet, Collin, Coudé Du Foresto, de Wit, de Zeeuw, Deen, Delplancke-Ströbele, Dembet, Derie, Dexter, Duvert, Ebert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Esselborn, Fédou, Finger, Garcia, Garcia Dabo, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Gonte, Gordo, Grould, Grözinger, Guieu, Haguenauer, Hans, Haubois, Haug, Haussmann, Henning, Hippler, Horrobin, Huber, Hubert, Hubin, Hummel, Jakob, Janssen, Jochum, Jocou, Kaufer, Kellner, Kendrew, Kern, Kervella, Kiekebusch, Klein, Kok, Kolb, Kulas, Lacour, Lapeyrère, Lazareff, Le Bouquin, Lèna, Lenzen, Lévêque, Lippa, Magnard, Mehrgan, Mellein, Mérand, Moreno-Ventas, Moulin, Müller, Müller, Neumann, Oberti, Ott, Pallanca, Panduro, Pasquini, Paumard, Percheron, Perraut, Perrin, Pflüger, Pfuhl, Phan Duc, Plewa, Popovic, Rabien, Ramírez, Ramos, Rau, Riquelme, Rohloff, Rousset, Sanchez-Bermudez, Scheithauer, Schöller, Schuhler, Spyromilio, Straubmeier, Sturm, Suarez, Tristram, Ventura, Vincent, Waisberg, Wank, Weber, Wieprecht, Wiest, Wiezorrek, Wittkowski, Woillez, Wolff, Yazici, Ziegler, & Zins, 2017.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 602, A94 "First light for GRAVITY: Phase referencing optical interferometry for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer"
[16] Mawet, Ruane, Xuan, Echeverri, Klimovich, Randolph, Fucik, Wallace, Wang, Vasisht, Dekany, Mennesson, Choquet, Delorme, & Serabyn, 2017.
The Astrophysical Journal, 838, 92 "Observing Exoplanets with High-dispersion Coronagraphy. II. Demonstration of an Active Single-mode Fiber Injection Unit"
[15] Choquet, Milli, Wahhaj, Soummer, Roberge, Augereau, Booth, Absil, Boccaletti, Chen, Debes, del Burgo, Dent, Ertel, Girard, Gofas-Salas, Golimowski, Gómez González, Hagan, Hibon, Hines, Kennedy, Lagrange, Matrà, Mawet, Mouillet, N'Diaye, Perrin, Pinte, Pueyo, Rajan, Schneider, Wolff, & Wyatt, 2017.
The Astrophysical Journal, 834, L12 "First Scattered-light Images of the Gas-rich Debris Disk around 49 Ceti"
[14] Mawet, Choquet, Absil, Huby, Bottom, Serabyn, Femenia, Lebreton, Matthews, Gomez Gonzalez, Wertz, Carlomagno, Christiaens, Defrère, Delacroix, Forsberg, Habraken, Jolivet, Karlsson, Milli, Pinte, Piron, Reggiani, Surdej, & Vargas Catalan, 2017.
The Astronomical Journal, 153, 44 "Characterization of the Inner Disk around HD 141569 A from Keck/NIRC2 L-Band Vortex Coronagraphy"
[13] Milli, Hibon, Christiaens, Choquet, Bonnefoy, Kennedy, Wyatt, Absil, Gómez González, del Burgo, Matrà, Augereau, Boccaletti, Delacroix, Ertel, Dent, Forsberg, Fusco, Girard, Habraken, Huby, Karlsson, Lagrange, Mawet, Mouillet, Perrin, Pinte, Pueyo, Reyes, Soummer, Surdej, Tarricq, & Wahhaj, 2017.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 597, L2 "Discovery of a low-mass companion inside the debris ring surrounding the F5V star HD 206893"
[12] Wahhaj, Milli, Kennedy, Ertel, Matrà, Boccaletti, del Burgo, Wyatt, Pinte, Lagrange, Absil, Choquet, Gómez González, Kobayashi, Mawet, Mouillet, Pueyo, Dent, Augereau, & Girard, 2016.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 596, L4 "The SHARDDS survey: First resolved image of the HD 114082 debris disk in the Lower Centaurus Crux with SPHERE"
[11] Mazoyer, Boccaletti, Choquet, Perrin, Pueyo, Augereau, Lagrange, Debes, & Wolff, 2016.
The Astrophysical Journal, 818, 150 "A Symmetric Inner Cavity in the HD 141569A Circumstellar Disk"
[10] Debes, Ygouf, Choquet, Hines, Perrin, Golimowski, Lajoie, Mazoyer, Pueyo, Soummer, & van der Marel, 2016.
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2, 011010 "Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope-Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets coronagraphic operations: lessons learned from the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope"
[9] Choquet, Perrin, Chen, Soummer, Pueyo, Hagan, Gofas-Salas, Rajan, Golimowski, Hines, Schneider, Mazoyer, Augereau, Debes, Stark, Wolff, N'Diaye, & Hsiao, 2016.
The Astrophysical Journal, 817, L2 "First Images of Debris Disks around TWA 7, TWA 25, HD 35650, and HD 377"
[8] Rajan, Barman, Soummer, Hagan, Patience, Pueyo, Choquet, Konopacky, Macintosh, & Marois, 2015.
The Astrophysical Journal, 809, L33 "Characterizing the Atmospheres of the HR8799 Planets with HST/WFC3"
[7] Milli, Mawet, Pinte, Lagrange, Mouillet, Girard, Augereau, De Boer, Pueyo, & Choquet, 2015.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 577, A57 "New constraints on the dust surrounding HR 4796A"
[6] Choquet, Menu, Perrin, Cassaing, Lacour, & Eisenhauer, 2014.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 569, A2 "Comparison of fringe-tracking algorithms for single-mode near-infrared long-baseline interferometers"
[5] Soummer, Perrin, Pueyo, Choquet, Chen, Golimowski, Hagan, Mittal, Moerchen, N'Diaye, Rajan, Wolff, Debes, Hines, & Schneider, 2014.
The Astrophysical Journal, 786, L23 "Five Debris Disks Newly Revealed in Scattered Light from the Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS Archive"
[4] Choquet, Kervella, Le Bouquin, Mérand, Berger, Haubois, Perrin, Petrucci, Lazareff, & Pott, 2014.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 561, A46 "The close environment of high-mass X-ray binaries at high angular resolution. I. VLTI/AMBER and VLTI/PIONIER near-infrared interferometric observations of Vela X-1"
[3] Huby, Duchêne, Marchis, Lacour, Perrin, Kotani, Choquet, Gates, Lai, & Allard, 2013.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 560, A113 "FIRST, a fibered aperture masking instrument. II. Spectroscopy of the Capella binary system at the diffraction limit"
[2] Menu, Perrin, Choquet, & Lacour, 2012.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, A81 "Kalman-filter control schemes for fringe tracking. Development and application to VLTI/GRAVITY"
[1] Huby, Perrin, Marchis, Lacour, Kotani, Duchêne, Choquet, Gates, Woillez, Lai, Fédou, Collin, Chapron, Arslanyan, & Burns, 2012.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541, A55 "FIRST, a fibered aperture masking instrument. I. First on-sky test results"
SPIE proceedings
[37] El Morsy, Vigan, Lopez, Otten, Choquet, Madec, Costille, Sauvage, Dohlen, Muslimov, Pourcelot, Floriot, Benedetti, Blanchard, Balard, & Murray, 2022.
Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, 12185, 121858O "Experimental validation of exoplanet centring strategies for high dispersion coronagraphy"
[36] Carlotti, Jocou, Moulin, Rabou, Bidot, Hours, Magnard, Delboulbé, Pancher, Choquet, Vigan, Houllé, Dohlen, Sauvage, Fusco, Thatte, Neichel, Clarke, Melotte, Tecza, & Schnetler, 2022.
Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, 12185, 121855L "HARMONI at ELT: system analysis and performance estimation of the high-contrast module"
[35] Hours, Carlotti, Mouillet, Delboulbé, Guieu, Jocou, Moulin, Pancher, Rabou, Choquet, Dohlen, Sauvage, & N'Diaye, 2022.
Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, 12185, 121852E "HARMONI at ELT: a Zernike wavefront sensor for the high-contrast module: testbed results with realistic observation conditions"
[34] Vigan, Lopez, El Morsy, Muslimov, Viret, Zins, Murray, Costille, Otten, Seemann, Anwand-Heerwart, Dohlen, Blanchard, Garcia, Charles, Tchoubaklian, Ely, Phillips, Paufique, Beuzit, Houllé, Costes, Pourcelot, Baraffe, Dorn, Jaquet, Kasper, Reiners, Smette, Blanco, Pallanca, Carlotti, Choquet, Mouillet, & N'Diaye, 2022.
Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, 12185, 121850S "Connecting SPHERE and CRIRES+ for the characterisation of young exoplanets at high spectral resolution: status update of VLT/HiRISE"
[33] Thatte, Melotte, Neichel, Le Mignant, Bryson, Clarke, Ferraro-Wood, Fusco, Gonzalez, Schnetler, Tecza, Wilson, Álvarez Urueña, Vilaseca, Arribas, Carracedo Carballale, Crespo, Estrada Piqueras, García García, Martínez Martín, Pereira Santaella, Perna, Piqueras Lopez, Bouché, Boudon, Daguise, Disseau, Fensch, Girardot, Guibert, Jarno, Jeanneau, Krogager, Laurent, Loupias, Migniau, Piqueras, Remillieux, Richard, Pecontal, Bardou, Barr, Cetre, Deshmukh, Dimoudi, Dubbledam, Dunn, Gadotti, Guy, King, Little, McLeod, Morris, Morris, O'Brien, Ronson, Smith, Staykov, Swinbank, Townson, Accardo, Alvarez Mendez, George, Hopgood, Ives, Mehrgan, Mueller, Reyes, Conzelmann, Gutierrez Cheetham, Alonso-Sánchez, Battaglia, Cagigas, Chulani, Delgado García, Fernandez Izquierdo, Fragoso López, García-Lorenzo, Hernández González, Hernandez Suarez, Herreros Linares, Joven, López López, Lujan Gonzalez, Martín Hernando, Mediavilla, Menéndez Mendoza, Montoya Martínez, Peñate Castro, Pérez, Rasilla, Rebolo, Rodríguez Ramos, Vega-Moreno, Viera, Zanon Dametto, Carlotti, Correia, Curaba, Delboulbe, Guieu, Hours, Hubert, Jocou, Magnard, Moulin, Pancher, Rabou, Stadler, Vérove, Contini, Larrieu, Boebion, Fantei-Caujolle, Lecron, Rousseau, Amram, Beltramo-Martin, Bon, Bonnefoi, Ceria, Challita, Charles, Choquet, Correia, Costille, Dohlen, Ducret, El Hadi, Gach, Gimenez, Groussin, Jaquet, Jouve, Madec, Pedreros, Renault, Sanchez, Vigan, Vola, Zavago, Fetick, Lim, Petit, Sauvage, Védrenne, Bagci, Caldwell, Elliott, Hiscock, Johnson, Nalagatla, Seitis, Wells, Black, Bond, Brierley, Campbell, Campbell, Carruthers, Cochrane, Evans, Harman, Humphreys, Louth, Miller, Montgomery, Murali, Murray, O'Malley, Sanchez-Janssen, Schwartz, Smith, Strachan, Todd, Watt, Wells, Yaqoob, Bell, Gnedin, Gultekin, Mateo, Meyer, Ahmad, Birkby, Booth, Cappellari, Castillo Dominguez, Chao Ortiz, Gooding, Grisdale, Hidalgo, Hogan, Kariuki, Lewis, Lowe, Ozer, Routledge, Rigopoulou, & York, 2022.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, 12184, 1218420 "HARMONI at ELT: overview of the capabilities and expected performance of the ELT's first light, adaptive optics assisted integral field spectrograph."
[32] Boccaletti, Chauvin, Wildi, Milli, Stadler, Diolaiti, Gratton, Vidal, Loupias, Langlois, Cantalloube, N'Diaye, Gratadour, Ferreira, Tallon, Mazoyer, Segransan, Mouillet, Beuzit, Bonnefoy, Galicher, Vigan, Snellen, Feldt, Desidera, Rousseau, Baruffolo, Goulas, Baudoz, Bechet, Benisty, Bianco, Carry, Cascone, Charnay, Choquet, Christiaens, Cortecchia, Di Capprio, De Rosa, Desgrange, D'Orazi, Douté, Frangiamore, Gendron, Ginski, Huby, Keller, Kulcsár, Landman, Lagarde, Lagadec, Lagrange, Lombini, Kasper, Ménard, Magnard, Malaguti, Maurel, Mesa, Morgante, Pantin, Pichon, Potier, Rabou, Rochat, Terenzi, Thiébaut, Tallon-Bosc, Raynaud, Rouan, Sevin, Schiavone, Schrieber, & Zanutta, 2022.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, 12184, 121841S "Upgrading the high contrast imaging facility SPHERE: science drivers and instrument choices"
[31] Hinkley, Carter, Ray, Biller, Skemer, Choquet, Millar-Blanchaer, Sallum, Miles, Whiteford, Patapis, Perrin, Pueyo, Stapelfeldt, Wang, Ward-Duong, Girard, Hines, Kammerer, Leisenring, Zhou, Meyer, Liu, Bonnefoy, Petrus, Bonavita, Chauvin, Chen, Currie, Hoch, Lazzoni, Matthews, McElwain, Rebollido, Rickman, Schneider, Sivaramakrishnan, & Stone, 2022.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 12180, 121800S "Direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanetary systems with the JWST early release science program"
[30] Thatte, Bryson, Clarke, Ferraro-Wood, Fusco, Le Mignant, Melotte, Neichel, Schnetler, Tecza, Arribas, Crespo, Estrada Piqueras, García García, Pereira Santaella, Piqueras López, Blaizot, Bouché, Boudon, Chapuis, Daguise, Disseau, Guibert, Jarno, Jeanneau, Laurent, Loupias, Migniau, Piqueras, Remillieux, Richard, Pécontal-Rousset, Bardou, Close, Deshmukh, Dimoudi, Dubbledam, King, Morris, Morris, O'Brien, Staykov, Swinbank, Townson, Younger, Accardo, Avarez Mendez, Conzelmann, Egner, George, Gonté, Hopgood, Ives, Mehrgan, Mueller, Peroux, Vernet, Alonso Sanchez, Giuseppina, Cagigas, Delgado, Fernandez Izquierdo, Fragoso López, Garcia-Lorenzo, Hernandez Suarez, Herreros Linares, Joven, López, Martín Hernando, Mediavilla, Monreal, Peñate Castro, Rasilla, Rebolo, Rodríguez-Ramos, Vega Moreno, Viera, Carlotti, Correia, Delboulbe, Guieu, Hours, Hubert, Jocou, Magnard, Moulin, Pancher, Rabou, Stadler, Contini, Larrieu, Fantei-Caujolle, Lecron, Rousseau, Beltramo-Martin, Bon, Bonnefoi, Ceria, Choquet, Correia, Costille, Dohlen, Ducret, El-Hadi, Epinat, Fetick, Gach, Groussin, Jaafar, Le Merrer, Llored, Pedreros, Renault, Sanchez, Vigan, Vola, Lim, Vedrenne, Petit, Sauvage, Bagci, Cann, Chao Ortiz, Elliott, Seitis, Tosh, Anderson, Black, Bond, Born, Campbell, Campbell, Carruthers, Cochrane, Dobson, Evans, Gallie, Gonzalez, Harman, Henry, Humphreys, Louth, Miller, Montgomery, Murray, O'Malley, Ritchie, Sanchez-Janssen, Schwartz, Smith, Watt, Wells, Wilson, Gultekin, Mateo, Meyer, Valluri, Ahmad, Booth, Capone, Cappellari, Gooding, Grisdale, Hidalgo, Kariuki, Lewis, Lowe, Lynn, Menduina, Ozer, Preece, Rigopoulou, Rodrigues, & Routledge, 2020.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, 11447, 114471W "HARMONI: first light spectroscopy for the ELT: instrument final design and quantitative performance predictions"
[29] Lacour, Wang, Nowak, Pueyo, Eisenhauer, Lagrange, Mollière, Abuter, Amorin, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Cridland, de Zeeuw, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jiménez-Rosales, Jocou, Kammerer, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mérand, Monnier, Mouillet, Muller, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Rameau, Rodet, Rodriguez-Coira, Rousset, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Stolker, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, & Woillez, 2020.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII, 11446, 114460O "The ExoGRAVITY project: using single mode interferometry to characterize exoplanets"
[28] Maier, Douglas, Kim, Su, Ashcraft, Breckinridge, Choi, Choquet, Connors, Durney, Gonzales, Guthery, Haughwout, Heath, Hyatt, Lumbres, Males, Matthews, Milani, Montoya, N'Diaye, Noenickx, Pogorelyuk, Ruane, Schneider, Smith, & Stark, 2020.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 11443, 114431Y "Design of the vacuum high contrast imaging testbed for CDEEP, the Coronagraphic Debris and Exoplanet Exploring Pioneer"
[27] Bailey, Bottom, Cady, Cantalloube, de Boer, Groff, Krist, Millar-Blanchaer, Vigan, Chilcote, Choquet, De Rosa, Girard, Guyon, Kern, Lagrange, Macintosh, Males, Marois, Meshkat, Milli, N'Diaye, Ngo, Nielsen, Rhodes, Ruane, van Holstein, Wang, & Xuan, 2018.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 10698, 106986P "Lessons for WFIRST CGI from ground-based high-contrast systems"
[26] Laginja, Brady, Soummer, Egron, Moriarty, Lajoie, Bonnefois, Michau, Choquet, Ferrari, Leboulleux, Levecq, N'Diaye, Perrin, Petrone, Pueyo, & Sivaramakrishnan, 2018.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 10698, 106983N "James Webb Space Telescope optical simulation testbed V: wide-field phase retrieval assessment"
[25] Soummer, Brady, Brooks, Comeau, Choquet, Dillon, Egron, Gontrum, Hagopian, Laginja, Leboulleux, Perrin, Petrone, Pueyo, Mazoyer, N'Diaye, Riggs, Shiri, Sivaramakrishnan, St. Laurent, Valenzuela, & Zimmerman, 2018.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 10698, 106981O "High-contrast imager for complex aperture telescopes (HiCAT): 5. first results with segmented-aperture coronagraph and wavefront control"
[24] Leboulleux, N'Diaye, Mazoyer, Pueyo, Perrin, Egron, Choquet, Sauvage, Fusco, & Soummer, 2017.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 10562, 105622Z "Comparison of wavefront control algorithms and first results on the high-contrast imager for complex aperture telescopes (hicat) testbed"
[23] Egron, Lajoie, Michau, Bonnefois, Escolle, Leboulleux, N'Diaye, Pueyo, Choquet, Perrin, Ygouf, Fusco, Ferrari, Hugot, & Soummer, 2017.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 10562, 1056225 "James Webb Space telescope optical simulation testbed: experimental results with linear control alignment"
[22] Ren, Pueyo, Perrin, Debes, & Choquet, 2017.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 10400, 1040021 "Post-processing of the HST STIS coronagraphic observations"
[21] Klimovich, Xin, Mawet, Ruane, Delorme, Xuan, Echeverri, Randolph, Fucik, Wallace, Wang, Vasisht, Dekany, Mennesson, Choquet, & Serabyn, 2017.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 10400, 104000Y "Utilizing active single-mode fiber injection for speckle nulling in exoplanet characterization"
[20] Egron, Soummer, Lajoie, Bonnefois, Long, Michau, Choquet, Ferrari, Leboulleux, Levecq, Mazoyer, N'Diaye, Perrin, Petrone, Pueyo, & Sivaramakrishnan, 2017.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 10398, 1039811 "James Webb Space Telescope optical simulation testbed IV: linear control alignment of the primary segmented mirror"
[19] Singh, Lozi, Choquet, Serabyn, & Guyon, 2016.
Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909, 99097K "PSF calibration using the Lyot-based low order wavefront sensor telemetry: first simulations"
[18] Egron, Lajoie, Leboulleux, N'Diaye, Pueyo, Choquet, Perrin, Ygouf, Michau, Bonnefois, Fusco, Escolle, Ferrari, Hugot, & Soummer, 2016.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9904, 99044A "James Webb Space Telescope optical simulation testbed III: first experimental results with linear-control alignment"
[17] Leboulleux, N'Diaye, Riggs, Egron, Mazoyer, Pueyo, Choquet, Perrin, Kasdin, Sauvage, Fusco, & Soummer, 2016.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9904, 99043C "High-contrast imager for Complex Aperture Telescopes (HiCAT). 4. Status and wavefront control development"
[16] Choquet, Pueyo, Soummer, Perrin, Hagan, Gofas-Salas, Rajan, & Aguilar, 2015.
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VII, 9605, 96051P "Archival Legacy Investigations of Circumstellar Environments (ALICE): Statistical assessment of point source detections"
[15] Mazoyer, Pueyo, Norman, N'Diaye, Mawet, Soummer, Perrin, Choquet, & Carlotti, 2015.
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VII, 9605, 96050M "Active correction of aperture discontinuities (ACAD) for space telescope pupils: a parametic analysis"
[14] N'Diaye, Mazoyer, Choquet, Pueyo, Perrin, Egron, Leboulleux, Levecq, Carlotti, Long, Lajoie, & Soummer, 2015.
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VII, 9605, 96050I "High-contrast imager for complex aperture telescopes (HiCAT): 3. first lab results with wavefront control"
[13] Choquet, Pueyo, Hagan, Gofas-Salas, Rajan, Chen, Perrin, Debes, Golimowski, Hines, N'Diaye, Schneider, Mawet, Marois, & Soummer, 2014.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9143, 914357 "Archival legacy investigations of circumstellar environments: overview and first results"
[12] Choquet, Levecq, N'Diaye, Perrin, & Soummer, 2014.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9143, 91433T "James Webb Space Telescope Optical Simulation Testbed II: design of a three-lens anastigmat telescope simulator"
[11] N'Diaye, Choquet, Egron, Pueyo, Leboulleux, Levecq, Perrin, Elliot, Wallace, Hugot, Marcos, Ferrari, Long, Anderson, DiFelice, & Soummer, 2014.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9143, 914327 "High-contrast Imager for Complex Aperture Telescopes (HICAT): II. Design overview and first light results"
[10] Pueyo, Norman, Soummer, Perrin, N'Diaye, Choquet, Hoffmann, Carlotti, & Mawet, 2014.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9143, 914321 "High contrast imaging with an arbitrary aperture: active correction of aperture discontinuities: fundamental limits and practical trade- offs"
[9] Perrin, Soummer, Choquet, N'Diaye, Levecq, Lajoie, Ygouf, Leboulleux, Egron, Anderson, Long, Elliott, Hartig, Pueyo, van der Marel, & Mountain, 2014.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9143, 914309 "James Webb Space Telescope Optical Simulation Testbed I: overview and first results"
[8] Choquet, Vigan, Soummer, Chauvin, Pueyo, Perrin, & Hines, 2014.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 9147, 914751 "A format standard for efficient interchange of high-contrast direct imaging science products"
[7] N'Diaye, Choquet, Pueyo, Elliot, Perrin, Wallace, Groff, Carlotti, Mawet, Sheckells, Shaklan, Macintosh, Kasdin, & Soummer, 2013.
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VI, 8864, 88641K "High-contrast imager for complex aperture telescopes (HiCAT): 1. testbed design"
[6] Pueyo, Norman, Soummer, Perrin, N'Diaye, & Choquet, 2013.
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VI, 8864, 88640Z "High-contrast imaging with an arbitrary aperture: active correction of aperture discontinuities"
[5] Huby, Perrin, Marchis, Lacour, Kotani, Duchêne, Choquet, Gates, Woillez, & Lai, 2012.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, 8446, 84461Z "FIRST, a fibered aperture masking instrument: on-sky results"
[4] Choquet, Abuter, Menu, Perrin, & Fédou, 2012.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry III, 8445, 84452Y "Simulation of Kalman-filter fringe tracking with on-sky measurements of the PRIMA Fringe Sensor Unit"
[3] Kotani, Lacour, Choquet, Huby, Perrin, Fedou, Marchis, Duchene, Thiébaut, Woillez, Berger, Bordé, Chesneau, Kervella, Lai, Ridgway, Rouan, Lecavelier des Etangs, & Vidal-Madjar, 2010.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, 7734, 77343O "Development of a high-dynamic range imaging instrument for a single telescope by a pupil remapping system"
[2] Choquet, Cassaing, Perrin, Eisenhauer, Brandner, Straubmeier, Perraut, & Gillessen, 2010.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, 7734, 77341Z "GRAVITY: design and performance of the fringe tracker"
[1] Gillessen, Eisenhauer, Perrin, Brandner, Straubmeier, Perraut, Amorim, Schöller, Araujo-Hauck, Bartko, Baumeister, Berger, Carvas, Cassaing, Chapron, Choquet, Clenet, Collin, Eckart, Fedou, Fischer, Gendron, Genzel, Gitton, Gonte, Gräter, Haguenauer, Haug, Haubois, Henning, Hippler, Hofmann, Jocou, Kellner, Kervella, Klein, Kudryavtseva, Lacour, Lapeyrere, Laun, Lena, Lenzen, Lima, Moratschke, Moch, Moulin, Naranjo, Neumann, Nolot, Paumard, Pfuhl, Rabien, Ramos, Rees, Rohloff, Rouan, Rousset, Sevin, Thiel, Wagner, Wiest, Yazici, & Ziegler, 2010.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, 7734, 77340Y "GRAVITY: a four-telescope beam combiner instrument for the VLTI"